This event series has been discontinued – please check out other events & what’s happening at Connected.
Every other Wednesday 7-9 PM, alternating with Nonviolent Communication for a New Culture
The Zegg Forum, was developed in the Ecovillages of Europe and is an awareness and communication training for groups of 12 to 50 participants. It is an artistic way of personal sharing; a stage for whatever is happening inside ourselves. Here our true motivations, our deep feelings, longings, ideas and emotions become “public”. This focus on transparency, sharing and clarifying unsolved situations makes it an invaluable catalyst for one’s own growth. Forum is a personal process in a social context.
Because we believe that each of our personal issues are exemplars of a general human issue, Forum elevates these personal issues, by putting them into a common human stage.
Join us for exploration and training in the Zegg Forum and other Tribal Technologies which support individuals in living a fully lived life and our community in being healthy and truly powerful.
We will:
- Experiment with Authentic Energetic Self Expression in a community field of warm loving acceptance
- Use a highly entertaining form of Psychodrama to express what is authentic, alive and true for healing and breaking free from patterns in love and all relationships.
- Practice deep transparency as a way to allow the community to communicate with itself thereby developing Trust and Turned on Aliveness.
In our experience trust is the key and the glue that keeps community together. Trust is created when processes in the community are transparent and understandable for all involved.
Empowerment happens for all involved with every person who shares his/her deep feelings and motivations in the center of a group’s attention. The more we learn to support each other in this openness the more the whole group grows in solidarity. And the more we open up we can learn that our permeability is our greatest protection.
The universal communication of future communities seems to be a gentle and fearless contact between all beings of creation.
$10 at the door – 215 River Street, Santa Cruz  Join this event on Facebook to support its visibility and meet other participants |
Kelly Bryson MA, MFT. Author, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer for over 25 years, Life Coach, author of the best selling book, “Don’t be Nice, Be Real – Balancing Passion for Self with Compassion for Others, has been featured in Elle and Shape magazines, appeared on many TV, Podcasts and Radio shows.
He also specializes in designer Intimate Partnerships based on Trust and deep fulfillment of our needs for freedom, depth, sexuality, community and growth. He is the originator of the Trust Based Relationship (TBR) Modality. He is a Co-Producer of the Network for a New Culture Spring Camp (6th annual).