Category Archives: Articles

If only she had cried …

“If only she had cried … That would have changed the world.”

I spoke with my friend Kelly Bryson yesterday. He told me about a video in which a reporter was completely outraged about the actions of the American government. He said everything she exclaimed sounded right and convincing, at the same time the brutal violence of her language shook him and he spent the rest of the day depressed and desperate.
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German NVC Community Interviews Kelly Bryson on Community Building

The NVC INTERVIEW • Questions: What led you to non-violent communication? Have you had a key experience on your way? In the myriad stories and experiences shared in the NVC INTERVIEW, the essence of building and nurturing connections surfaces prominently. Just … Continue reading

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Community’s Role in a Planetary Shift

The ‘New Earth’ will come about through small groups of people coming together and dropping their egos.  As the new consciousness emerges, some people will feel called upon to form groups that reflect the enlightened consciousness. These groups will not … Continue reading

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“Community as a Universal Way Of Living” – from the book The Sacred Matrix by Dieter Duhm

The original community of humans is not the family, but the tribe. The original community is the human vessel, into which all human life, including the family, is embedded. The community is a part of the Sacred Matrix. In it, … Continue reading

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ZEGG’s Twelve Theses for a Nonviolent World

by Dieter Duhm, 1992 The worldwide violence against animals, children and nations demands a new concept of human civilization. The inner and outer crises are two aspects of the same problem–a problem that can only be understood or resolved if … Continue reading

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It takes a village to raise a consciousness!

“Why can’t you just admit it! You were too projecting your judgments onto Jane! Weren’t you John!” said the head of Fred with bulging eyes and forehead veins.  At this John walks out of the room to never come back … Continue reading

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Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and Sex, Love and Intimacy

Chip August: Welcome to “Sex, Love & Intimacy”, I am your host Chip August. Today’s show I’m talking to Kelly Bryson. Kelly’s quite an interesting guy, he’s a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in marriage family therapies. He’s a certified trainer … Continue reading

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Excerpt from the book: The Sacred Matrix by Dieter Duhm If we want to overcome war, we need a concrete vision for peace. If we want to overcome the powerful global field of violence, we need a concrete vision for … Continue reading

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Zegg Forum Guidelines

For Facilitation: Become familiar with these ZEGG Forum Guidelines before facilitating. Set rules, time, and goal or theme like, “Exploring what it means to have Peace between men & women. With new people ask them if they are willing to … Continue reading

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Welcome to the website for Kelly Bryson MA, MFT.

Kelly Bryson MA, MFT is a licensed psychotherapist and authorized trainer for the international Center for Nonviolent Communication (a nonprofit organization). Kelly is presently residing in Köln , Germany. What you find on this website There’s a lot of great … Continue reading

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