“Long before there were families, there were tribes” says Dieter Duhm in his book “The Sacred Matrix”. |
A group of us want to live together, probably in a house in Santa Cruz, and create a transparent, trusting, touching, transformational tribe where choice, awareness and self responsibility are valued as essential to each other’s growth.
Our home would be a soulful learning hub for teaching all sorts of “Tribal Technologies” like Nonviolent Communication, The Zegg Forum, Next Culture work, Improv, Dancing Free, Biodanza, Tantra, SoulFull Singing, Theater of the Oppressed, Qi Gong, etc – as well as your own individual gifts.
If you are interested, send a paragraph about yourself and your interest to kelly@languageofcompassion.com and we’ll begin the conversation. By the way, if you’d have a hard time hearing a no – declining your request to come – we ask that you don’t apply at this time.
This house/center would most likely be for from 4 to 22 people. Â We will make our center sustainable by living new culture values and practices and offering our learning, healing energy, workshops, classes, individual sessions, etc. Â Some of us are healers/teachers, others are computer promotional wizards, and behind the scenes people. Â The intent is that we create our own field of support and consciousness and then invite others to step in to learn and grow with us.
Part of our process is finding a space in which to live. We’re looking for a large house or even a complex within Santa Cruz or Live Oak – or something nearby if it’s really awesome. Let us know if you know of a possibility, we would be most grateful for your networking support. Please send any leads you may have to Kelly.
We are inspired by the Zegg and Tamara Communities of Europe.
– Jeremy, Kate, Kelly & others who have contributed to this dream.
Quote from the book “The Sacred Matrix” by Dieter Duhm on community spaces: We need a new concept of love, of universal, personal and sexual love.  We need a new freedom and a new order for our relationships, as well as new courage that liberates us from the lies that our culture is based on.  We also need an inner understanding about how to attain and retain joy.  “It is your spiritual duty to be happy,” said the Native American grandfather to his granddaughter Dhyani Ywahoo.  Joy is a high value in the cosmic hierarchy.  A new world that is worth living in will emerge from joy, not from fear.  We are therefore called upon to create both internal and external life spaces where life can flow freely without being blocked by fear and distrust.