Amos Lovell
is a Shamanic Medicine, Life Coach and Workshop Facilitator.  Amos has been  been working with individuals and facilitating workshops promoting full human aliveness, health and consciousness for 25 years. It is his passion to connect authentically with a person thereby facilitating ease, personal awareness and core level healing.
Brian Bourke
is a Certified Hypnotherapist, EFT Practitioner and Life Coach.
Brian is committed to supporting the health and well being of his clients.
Connie Wisesan
is an Intuitive Healer, Body Worker and Healing facilitator Connie see’s energy in people, places and things. Her life work is healer and a custodian of the Land and its’ people. Her interesting perspective of both the seen and unseen world supports all in the movement back to the higher vibrations of love, peace, abundance and complete health. Â
Evalena Rose, M. A.
has taught Tantra 22 years and is a skillful coach in intimacy practices and communication skills. Â She has helped people heal emotionally and spiritually through MetaTherapy, energetic healing, and channeled readings for 35 years. Â Through LoveJourney: the Healing Path of Tantra she offers workshops and supports a compassionate community practicing the highest erotic and romantic arts.
Evalena has decades of study in Tantra, alternative healing, body/mind therapies, Soul Retrieval, and recovery from incest, abuse and addiction.  She works in the San Francisco Bay Area and by phone or Skype world-wide.  Her channelings and tele-seminars have reached people in 14 countries and 24 states. or
Fred Burks
has been deeply dedicated to spiritual growth and transformation for his entire adult life. He became interested in tantra and energy work nearly 20 years ago, and has facilitated many engaging, heart-centered workshozps around the country helping people to open to the limitless sources of transformative energy available within themselves and others. He was a key founder of the sex and spirit based Sacred Connections community in the SF Bay Area and is a respected spiritual activist on the Internet. See for the inspiring and transformational websites he manages.
Kelly Bryson, M.A., MFT
is the Director of The Center for Compassion, a community organization providing education in Compassionate Nonviolent Communication(sm) to organizations and individuals, and conflict resolution locally and internationally.
He is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice working with individuals, couples, and families, and a Certified Trainer for the  Center for Nonviolent Communication since 1984.
Kelly Bryson is the author of Don’t be Nice, Be Real—Balancing Passion for Self with Compassion for Others an NVC handbook. He is also a contributing author to the anthology The Marriage of Sex and Spirit.  Kelly is a Communitarian, workshop facilitator, consultant and developer of “Tribal Technologies” for the growth of communities and organizations of every description.
Lindy James
a Certified Tantra Educator who has practiced Tantra for 20 years, counsels couples & individuals in the ” Art of Conscious Loving ” in Santa Cruz, CA   Trained in the Hakomi Method, she offers “Wind Horse,” a unique blend of Hakomi and horseback riding. “In all my work, my essential focus is sacred intimacy.”
Melody Lucian
Melody’s core soul inspiration is being a Catalyst for Harmony. Her work with people encourages soul embodiment, mutually nourishing partnerships, thriving community collaboration, and communion with Life on earth. She is a Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, among other recognitions. Dancing is her lifeline for soul remembering and feeling one with life. She is appreciated for her nourishing, loving-hearted presence.
Rachel Adair
is a Priestess from the 13 Moon Mystery School and initiated shaman of The Third Road Faery Tradition. She is the author of erotic fiction. She is an avid practitioner of permaculture and local, earth-based living and committed to empowering individuals to take part in their communities. She currently works as logistics coordinator for Lovejourney Temple, is a proud member of the EcoSex community and is a certified permaculture designer.