*Duhm draws from his experience of actually creating super successful large politically powerful, eco villages for over 40 years in Europe.  I am not suggesting we move into intentional communities, but I do believe we can learn from the successful ones, how to be more harmonious, powerful, and nurturing.  I believe the NVC networks and communities could benefit greatly from Duhm’s experience and  perspective on the nature and role of communities or networks in the evolution of humanity and social change.  I have found great genius in the tools and group process/practices emerging from this experimental cultures like The Zegg Forum, which is the foundation for growth, community conflict resolution, inspiration, trust, transparency and energetic communion for many intentional communities and other organizations in Europe.   The Zegg Forum was developed over many years to address the many archetypal issues that emerge in the process of growing a large healthy organization within a domination culture.  They have been particularly successful in developing tools for transformation, trust and transparency in the taboo, and therefore powerful and controlling areas of creative self expression, love, power, sex, and money.  It is their belief that when these aspects are not transparent, flowing and healthy they create drama, stuck-ness, politicking, competition, low enthusiasm, poor financial flow and infighting.  They also have a great reputation with G.E.N. (Global Eco-village Network) for their consciousness and models for SexPeace, i.e. harmony and trust between men and women, which is a prerequisite for a healthy organization or community. (see Zegg.de, Tamera.org)

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